Transport around Campbeltown Airport (CAL)

Campbeltown Airport's transportation infrastructure is light but suitable for this small terminal. There are no longer any trains on the peninsula, but buses can get passengers to and from Glasgow. Taxis are certainly the most convenient way of getting around.

Machrihanish, Campbeltown, Argyll and Bute
Highlands and Islands Airports Limited
Time Zone
055°26'14"N 005°41'11"W


there is no rail service to Campbeltown Airport. There was once a light rail passenger system in the area, but it closed down decades ago. The peninsula is compact and easy to navigate by hire car or bus, so there is no real need of a rail network.


Campeltown bus number 443 coordinates with incoming flights. Service is operated by West Coast Motors (tel: +44 1586 552319) and remains the most affordable means of getting into town. Passengers are advised to call ahead if they plan to make use of the bus when they arrive.


taxis are the fastest and most convenient mode of transferring from Campeltown Airport to the town proper. Taxis arrive when flights land and queue up outside the terminal entrance, but it never hurts to call ahead. Major taxi companies include Fona Taxi (tel: +44 1586 554001), Tavies Taxis (tel: +44 1586 551122), Roy's Taxis (tel: +44 1586 554625) and Mac's Taxis (tel: +44 1586 552891).


Campbeltown is linked to the rest of Scotland by the A83, which runs to Tarbet. From there it's possible to travel as far as Glasgow. Campeltown's proximity to the airport makes it easy to travel between the terminal and the town centre.

The airport sits three miles east of Campbeltown's centre. To get to the airport, take the A83 out of Campbeltown and then turn onto Machrihanish Road. From here, the way to the airport is clearly signposted. To get from the Campbeltown Airport into town, simply follow Machrihanish Road to the junction with the A83 and turn west towards Campbeltown.


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